- Accessing the Command Line
- Managing Files From the Command Line
- Creating, Viewing, and Editing Text Files
- Managing Local Users and Groups
- Monitoring and Managing Linux Processes
- Analyzing and Storing Logs
- Managing Networking
- Installing and Updating Software Packages
- Accessing Linux File Systems
- Analyzing Servers and Getting Support
- Scheduling Future Tasks
- Controlling Access to Files with ACLs
1. Which directory contains persistent, system-specific configuration data?
- A. /etc
- B. /root
- C. /run
- D. /usr
2. Which directory is the top of the system's file system hierarchy?
- A. /etc
- B. /
- C. /home/root
- D. /root
5. Which directory contains dynamic data, such as for databases and websites?
- A. /etc
- B. /run
- C. /usr
- D. /var
6. Which directory is the administrative superuser's home directory?
- A. /etc
- B. /
- C. /home/root
- D. /root
7. Which directory contains regular commands and utilities?
- A. /commands
- B. /run
- C. /usr/bin
- D. /usr/sbin
8. Which directory contains non-persistent process runtime data?tilities?
- A. /tmp
- B. /etc
- C. /run
- D. /var
9. Which directory contains installed software programs and libraries?
- A. /etc
- B. /lib
- C. /usr
- D. /var
10. Which command is used to return to the current user's home directory, assuming the current working directory is /tmp and their home directory is /home/user?
- A. cd
- B. cd ..
- C. cd .
- D. cd *
11. Which command displays the absolute path name of the current location?
- A. cd
- B. pwd
- C. ls ~
- D. ls –d
12. Which command will always return you to the working directory used prior to the current working directory?
- A. cd -
- B. cd -p
- C. cd ~
- D. cd ..
13. Which command will always change the working directory up two levels from the current location?
- A. cd ~
- B. cd ../
- C. cd ../..
- D. cd -u2
14. Which command lists files in the current location, using a long format, and including hidden files?
- A. llong ~
- B. ls -a
- C. ls -l
- D. ls –al
15. Which command will always change the working directory to /bin?
- A. cd bin
- B. cd /bin
- C. cd ~bin
- D. cd –bin
16. Which command will always change the working directory to the parent of the current location?
- A. cd ~
- B. cd ..
- C. cd ../..
- D. cd -u1
17. Which command will change the working directory to /tmp if the current working directory is /home/student?
- A. cd tmp
- B. cd ..
- C. cd ../../tmp
- D. cd ~tmp
18. Which pattern will match only filenames ending with "b"?
- A. b*
- B. *b*
- C. *b
- D. [!b]*
19. Which pattern will match only filenames beginning with "b"?
- A. b*
- B. *b*
- C. *b
- D. [!b]*
20. Which pattern will match only filenames where the first character is not "b"?
- A. b*
- B. *b*
- C. *b
- D. [!b]*
21. Which pattern will match all filenames containing a "b"?
- A. b*
- B. *b*
- C. *b
- D. [!b]*
22. Which pattern will match only filenames that contain a number?
- A. *#*
- B. *[[:digit:]]*
- C. *[digit]*
- D. [0-9]
23. Which pattern will match only filenames that begin with an uppercase letter?
- A. ^?*
- B. ^*
- C. [upper]*
- D. [[:upper:]]*
24. Which pattern will match only filenames at least three characters in length?
- A. ???*
- B. ???
- C. \3*
- D. +++*