Python for Network Engineers

This course takes you all the way from the basics of Python programming to the specific skills and tools needed to manage network devices enmasse using programming and reduces implementation time for software-based technologies in a Cisco enterprise.
The course provides a comprehensive Python programming experience for Cisco networking professionals to automate and manage across the entire Cisco networking product line. With a focus on the Python programming language, you will learn to write, edit, modify, and expand complex Python scripts to utilize APIs and data models to effectively automate Cisco networking tasks throughout the enterprise. This will enable you to create and implement Python programming to automate configuration and operational needs in a Cisco enterprise
Course Objectives
After completing this course, students will be able to
- Master the Features of Python Language
- Install Python Virtual Machine and the Eclipse IDE(PyDev)
- Execute your first python program
- Learn various simple types as well as collection types
- Define logic using conditional statements ,looping constructs
- Use the different types of operators
- See the input and output functions in action
- Pass Command line arguments
- Create and use functions , Lambdas Decorators and Generators
- Learn what Object Oriented Programming is the four OOPs principles
- Implement inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism and encapsulation
- Understand interfaces, their importance, and their uses
- Use abstract classes and interfaces to implement abstraction
- Handle Exceptions
- Read and Write files using the Files API
- Do pattern matching using Regular expressions
- Deal with data and time
- All in simple steps
Target Audience
- System Engineer
- Network Administrator
- Network Engineer
- Network Automation Engineer
- Network Programmer
- SDN Engineer
Course Prerequisites
- Python, Eclipse IDE (Installation is covered in easy setup section)
- Programming Basic
- Network Fundamental
- Network Devices and Protocols concepts
- Network Devises Administration Concepts
Course Summary
Course Fee
৳ 15,000
Training Method
Total Modules
Course Duration
45 Hours
Total Session
Class Duration
3 Hours

Details Course Outlines
PYTHON – Beginner to Maestro
- Syntax and Integrated Development Environment
- Operators and Operands
- Control structures, Loops and Loop Controls
- Functions and Modules
- In-built Data Structures
- Functional programming
- Decorator and Generator
- Regular Expressions
- Object Oriented Programming(OOP) concept from a Developer, made VERY EASY
- File and Exceptional Handling
- Logic building sessions and Doubt sessions
- Important interview topics covered and more questions to practice than you can handle
- Advanced :: Multithreading/Logging/Garbage collection
Libraries for CLI automation
- Scripting practice using the open libraries available
- Paramiko
- Netmiko
- Napalm
- Telnetlib
- Creating your own Module !
Data serialization and libs
- json
- yaml
- xml
- Related libraries and how to use them
REST-API and Tools
- HTTP and its terminologies
- HTTP CRUD and ERROR codes
- Curl
- Postman
- Requests library
- Basics of Linux environment
- Ansible components
- Hosts/inventory and .cfg
- Ad-hoc and modules
- Jinja templating
- Automate everything you can think of, using PLAYBOOKS !!
- A whole course in itself, summarized to ease your way into it
- Fork an official CISCO code repository(GIT Basics included)
- Using the tools above to “CRUD” configurations on the devices
- Software Development and Design
Cisco Devices Programmability Options